Home Loan Tips Blog
Welcome! Our Guides & checklists listed below are designed to help with common and often complex issues that are a part of the home loan process. There is a ton of confusing misinformation when searching online for answers to your questions and a common complaint I hear is the inaccurate info peddled as facts by some inexperienced or incompetent loan officers. Utilize these reference materials to help create smoother transactions and maybe even keep one from imploding!

These guides and common scenarios are based on current rules and the author's decades of experience. Please keep in mind these are intended to be informative and are the author's opinion. Rules and guidelines are in a constant state of change and what may be true today can be different tomorrow. Individual lenders will differ slightly in their interpretation of rules and guidelines, in addition to adding their own specific underwriting overlays. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our content. However, we do not accept any responsibility or liability for content accuracy, completeness, or legality of the content offered. Users of our content should make every effort to verify the information presented on our site with the specific lender handling the loan. They are not intended to be legal advice.